Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A Great Gift Idea

Shadow and Jumper

Today I have a great gift idea for you. A few weeks ago, one of our little neighbor boys told us about a great website for kids.

Here’s how it works. The child gets a stuffed animal called a Webkinz and then enters the code found on the animal’s tag. The child is able to adopt their animal and take care of it just like it was a real animal. With their adoption, the child is given a 1 year subscription to the website. In addition to taking care of the pet, the child has access to kid-friendly games.

To find where Webkinz are sold near you, visit and type in your zip code. When I first heard about the site I thought the animals were going to be outrageously priced but I was wrong. I found a store near me that sold them for $7.99 & $9.99. At this price, Webkinz are a great gift of birthdays or holidays.

Shadow finally saved up enough money to buy himself one. Today we are the proud owners of Jumper the Tree Frog.

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