Thursday, September 27, 2007

I Have Decided...

That, it's time for me to loose some weight. I keep justifying my weight because I keep telling myself that it is left over baby weight. My baby is almost 5 years old so I can't use that excuse any longer.

Here's what happened to lead me to my decision...

1. On Tuesday I was teaching Girly Girl and writing something on our white board. She stopped what she was doing, jumped up out of her chair, came over to me, squeezed my arm and said, "Mommy, you have nice big squishy arms!" Thanks, Girly Girl.

2. This morning Shadow was flipping through the channels when a commercial for Alli came on. He yells out, "Mom, you need to get that!" Thanks, Shadow.

I have found the perfect weight loss plan. We have been implementing it in our house for the last month. Here it is...We have no food in our house. When there is no food, we don't eat. When you don't eat, you loose weight. That's it. It's that simple. We have not been grocery shopping for over a month. We stop in for milk and eggs but other than that, we have not bought a big order of food in a long time (because of no time to do it). Don't worry, I still make food to feed the kids. They are well nourished and are NOT loosing weight.

The last time I weighed myself, I weighed 142. I weighed in this morning (after shadow suggested that I needed to loose) and now weigh 138. See the no food diet works.

Hmmm, maybe I'll write a book....


Melissa said...

Actually, I think you are quite beautiful and healthy looking.

Squishy arms, huh? At least they aren't telling you to pull up your jeans over your muffin top!

Emily said...

I think you look great!

I just talked to someone on Sunday that is on the "debt diet". I told her I have never heard of that diet. She then told me that they cut their food budget back so now they don't buy as much food. it must be the new fad diet. I think I might have to try it.

Anonymous said...

You are a gorgeous woman!

Your diet plan gave me a laugh...

Beautiful Grace said...

You're in good company...Fire told me a few years ago that I was "squishiful." I knew he meant it as a word of love, but still. Aren't mommies suppose to be that way?

In all my years of diet trying, I've found that fasting breaks the stronghold of food. Then simply taking your normal portions and cutting them in half, works beautifully.

It was kind of weird at first when the family sat down to cheeseburgers and I would cut mine in half and hand it over to strongman. :)